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Grand Hotel Named Among 10 Best All-Inclusive Resorts & Historic Hotels in USA Today Popular Vote

Distinguished Guests

America’s Summer Place is a remarkable place and over its history, has graciously hosted millions of people. Many notable individuals have visited Grand Hotel throughout the years, including politicians, actors, entertainers, sports figures, musicians, writers and more.

Senator Spencer Abraham Senator Robert Griffin Preservation Hall Jazz Band
Mitch Albom Alex Haley Tito Puente
Congressman John Anderson Herbie Hancock George W. Pullman
Governor Cecil Andrus Governor Joe Frank Harris Boots Randolph
Mayor Dennis Archer Senator Phil Hart Lou Rawls
John Jacob Astor III Paul Harvey Christopher Reeve
Governor Bruce Babbitt Ernie Harwell Mary Lou Retton
Congressman Jim Barcia John Hiller Tom Ridge
Vice President Alben W. Barkley Congressman Bill Huizenga Emma Roberts
John Beilein Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Senator Mike Rogers
Jack Benny Lee Iacocca Governor George Romney
George Benson Tom Izzo Governor Mitt Romney
Congressman Jack Bergman Reverend Jesse Jackson Karl Rove
Senator Joe Biden Lady Byrd Johnson Mike Rowe
Congressman Mike Bishop Vinnie Johnson Bill Russell
Governor James Blanchard James Earl Jones Sadie – Champion Scottish Terrier
Dan Blocker Hamilton Jordan Arturo Sandoval
Pat Boone Al Kaline Congresswoman Pat Schroeder
Betsy Brandt Governor John Kasich Willard Scott
Donna Brazile Garrison Keillor Ambassador Peter Secchia
Dr. Joyce Brothers Governor Harry F. Kelly Jane Seymour
Governor Jerry Brown Congressman Jack Kemp Bo Schembechler
Dave Brubeck President John F. Kennedy Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
President George H. W. Bush Senator Robert Kerry Shields & Yarnell
Lloyd Carr Kid Rock Senator Paul Simon
James Carville Congressman Dan Kildee Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin
Governor Robert Casey Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick Paul W. Smith
Richard Cheney Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Governor Rick Snyder
Connie Chung Admiral Ernest King Congresswoman Debbie Stabenow
President Bill Clinton Eartha Kitt Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens
Hillary Rodham Clinton Congressman Joe Knollenberg Senator Francis Stockbridge
Rosemary Clooney Governor Madline Kunin Jeannot Szwarc
Senator Susan Collins Bill Laimbeer Senator Robert A. Taft
Governor Mario Cuomo Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence Michigan Chief Justice Clifford W. Taylor
Larry Czonka Congressman Andy Levin Joe Theismann
Jeff Daniels Senator Carl Levin Helen Thomas
Robert De Niro Representative Sander Levin Governor Tommy Thompson
Congressman Tom Delay Ramsey Lewis Mel Torme
Alex Delvechio G. Gordon Liddy President Harry S Truman
Senator Chauncey DePew Ted Lindsay Mark Twain
Governor Thomas E. Dewey Astronaut Jerry Linenger Congressman Fred Upton
Phyllis Diller Rich Little Kate Upton
Congressman John Dingell Kenny Loggins Senator Arthur Vandenberg
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell Jim Lovell Jerry Van Dyke
Elizabeth Dole Madonna Greta Van Susteren
Senator Robert Dole Adam Cardinal Maida Vince Vaughn
Hugh Downs Chuck Mangione Justin Verlander
Lord and Lady Drayson The Manhattan Transfer Dick Vitale
Mayor Mike Duggan Herbie Mann Governor George Voinovich
Governor Michael Dukakis Branford Marsalis Dita Von Teese
Jimmy Durante Jason Marsalis Governor John Waibee
Governor Jim Edgar Wynton Marsalis Congressman Tim Walberg
Governor John Engler General George C. Marshall Barbara Walters
Tucker Eskew Chris Mathews Darrell Waltrip
Marshall Field J. P. McCarthy Governor Earl Warren
Pete Fountain Robert McNeal MI Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Weaver
The Four Tops Governor Ned McWhirter Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger
Steve Forbes Congresswoman Candace Miller Governor Christine Todd Whitman
Harold Ford, Jr. Governor William G. Milliken Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Bill Ford Congressman Paul Mitchell Esther Williams
William Clay Ford, Jr. Congressman John Moolenaar Governor G. Mennen Williams
President Gerald R. Ford Jim Nabors Flip Wilson
Pete Fountain Jim Nantz Governor Pete Wilson
The Four Freshmen Hugh O’Brien Debra Winger
Al Franklin Justice Sandra Day O’Connor Charles Woodson
Bill Freehan Tip O’Neil MI Supreme Court Justice Robert P. Young
Tom Friedman Bill O’Reilly Mayor Coleman A. Young
Governor Booth Gardner Marie Osmond Fareed Zakaria
Vice President John Nance Garner Jesse Owens Deiter Zetsche
Congressman Richard Gephardt Arnold Palmer
David Gergen Vice President Mike Pence
Speaker Newt Gingrich Roger Penske
Ruth Bader Ginsberg T. Boone Pickens
Mayor Rudy Giuliani John Pizzarelli
George Goebel Christopher Plummer
Senator Al Gore General Colin Powell
Senator Phil Gramm Jody Powell
Governor Jennifer Granholm
Governor Dwight Green


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